Stir thoroughly prior to use. The product may be applied by brush or roller. If applying by brush, apply evenly following the grain of the wood. If rolling, use a short nap mohair roller. To create a distressed look, apply two coats in contrasting colours. Allow to dry and then lightly abrade with moistened sand paper or stainless steel scoring pad - abrade with the grain of the wood.
Up to 12m2 per litre. Coverage may vary depending upon method and rate of application and porosity of surface.
Drying Time
Touch dry in 1 hour. We recommend applying two coats if used on bare surface after 2hours. Fully hardens after 24 hours. Once paint is thoroughly dry, use moistened sand paper or stainless steel scoring pad to distress furniture.
Clean Up:
Equipment with water. Do not empty into drains or water courses. Some local authorities have special facilities for the disposal of waste coatings.
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